In Sean's own words...

Upon hearing Eddie Van Halen's "Eruption" at age 11, I immediately began taking lessons, and ended up spending eight hours a day practicing. I recall having a different guitar hero every week, and players such as Yngwie Malmsteen and Paul Gilbert blew me away. Gilbert's solo on "Frenzy" would make me dig deeper into learning music theory. My love for instrumental music led me to record my first cd "The Sean Baker Orchestra", which was mixed by Racer X guitarist Bruce Bouillet. This cd led to many great things for me including: I was featured in Guitar Player magazine multiple times, including a feature in Mike Varney's "Spotlight Column", which was a dream come true for me.

I was also featured on Fuse TV's "Talking Metal" program (in which the host' proclaimed me to be "The best guitarist you've never heard of). I was later asked to score the last six episodes by the producer of the show, which I did. I was also featured multiple times on the nationally syndicated radio show "Chop Shop", and scored a song for that shows closing credits.

Getting a band together for playing my first cd's material, was crucial for putting together my new cd "Baker's Dozen". This is by far the best material that I have written and recorded. It features guest solos by: Rusty Cooley, Joe Stump, and Racer X guitarist Bruce Bouillet, who also mixed this cd as well.


Sean Baker Orchestra
Baker's Dozen
Out Now