“Rites of Passage” is the new solo album from progressive fusion legend Coste Apetrea. The album came about as a result of the response Coste got with the band ”Samla Mammas Manna” who are the band Coste has played in and been working with since 1972 except for a period in the end of the 70´s and the 80´s where Coste played with and contributed 50/50 in the Jukka Tolonen Band with whom he recorded 7 band albums and 2 acoustic guitar albums.
Samla Mammas Manna have been frequently touring the globe where they have developed a strong loyal Cult-Status among Prog-Rock lovers the world over, At virtually every gig Coste was asked the question from fans was, “when will he make a new record ?” by fans. “Rites Of Passage” is the answer to these many fans wishes.
Coste had no idea what the album was going to sound like when he started writing the music but now comments, “I look back and I can see it is a compressed version of what I have been into during my entire career. I have a passion for all kinds of music and all kinds of instruments, still my main instrument is the Guitar, and being 14 years old when I first heard Jimi Hendrix on the Radio of course makes an impact that probably can be heard on my Music today and as long as I live. The album is pretty heavy and maybe the Rockiest I’ve ever done and that pleases me because people in my generation seem to cool down making more acoustic and softer music, I didn’t intend to make a heavy record it just came out that way, today I feel I wanna go even heavier next time around (to my own surprise)”.

Coste Apetrea
Surprisingly Heavy