Engine Of Pain are one of the hottest metal bands to have hailed from the Netherlands in the last few years and with their full length debut “I Am Your Enemy” the band have produced an album that is a non compromising sonic statement from start to finish.
“I Am Your Enemy” is Lion Music’s heaviest release to date, with musical similarities to In Flames, Testament, Pantera and The Haunted. The intense riffery, intricate arrangements and pummelling vocals showcase a band that will not let anything stand in their way. Lyrically the album focuses on the difficulties of everyday life, global politics or sometimes just having a huge out of line all night long party.
Engine Of Pain are ready to bring back the sound of the classic thrash scene yet updated for today’s generation in one of the most exciting metal packages around.
ENGINE OF PAIN was formed by bassist Maurice Brouwers and guitarist Patrick Waltmans. From the beginning it was clear that the music should be massive, melodic, groovy and heavy. Few weeks later they decided to ask one of the best Dutch grunters if he'd like to join the new band: Nick Hameury (ex-FORM). Fortunately he said yes! Then Maurice checked if former After Forever drummer Joep Beckers was interested to do the drums. The foundation was established and then completed by the arrival of Ruud Bänziger.
ENGINE OF PAIN recorded a demo in February 2004 titled “Here is the Pain!”. Thanks to this Demo the Wacken Open Air organisation invited the band to play at the festival’s 15th anniversary and they played to 43.000 people. That same year ENGINE OF PAIN played the final of the well known Dutch band competition Jägermeister / Aardschok METAL BASH.
Beginning of 2006 the band started to plan and implement their next step: recording a professional full length album. The result is a very tight, hard, aggressive, powerful and melodic album with strong, cool and contemplated lyrics and ditto artwork. It’s called “I Am Your Enemy”… End of November 2007 the band enlisted a new guitar player: Bastiaan Kuiper. Bastiaan also is a member of the Dutch 80’s metal cover band Stormrider.
