Vintersörg mainman Mr V returns with his second album “Imaginative” under the Waterclime name following on from 2006’s “The Astral Factor” (Lion Music). Once again the basis lies in symphonic and progressive rock but it is also spiced up with some jazzy crescendos and folk atmospheres. A large part of the songs are the multilayer vocals as well as the keyboards with thousands of nuances. Still every other instrument has its specific role and place in this mixture of styles and atmospheres. The instrumentation is built around keyboards, guitars, bass and drums where every instrument is given space. Other suitable instruments as organs, flutes and mellotron are also present to give that “organic” touch to it.
Lyrically this album deals a lot with personal translations of dreams and fantastical visions, written in a poetic tongue to emphasize a romantic touch. They shine of both sadness and hope and are wrapped in an aura of magic, as a contraposition to the mechanical and often static presence of the society. Personal wonderings of how our world is put together is yet another perspective that’s easy to trace in the words without plunging into religious or political matters.
Mr V’s aim with Imaginative was, “To continue to explore progressive and symphonic rock through a Nordic atmosphere. Another goal was to challenge myself to write better and more adventurous songs with both melody and depth. On the first CD the songs was kind of in the same vein all along the album, with this one a more diverse and dramatic approach is taken”.
Imaginative differs from its predecessor “The Astral Factor” by being more diverse and with more perfected arrangements. The whole product is a step up on the ladder of progression; from the songs to the production and the mastering etc. It’s written out of the same love for the type of music but is more mature and unique.