influences as diverse as Progressive to
R&B, Speaking To Stones musical style
encompasses many different styles and genres.
Bands such as Rush, Dream Theater and King’s
X may be obvious at first listen but numerous
plays of the CD also reveals touches of
Marillion, Soundgarden and Peter Gabriel
just to name a few. Though the CD has its
fair share of chops-laden technicality,
there is also strong attention given to
making progressive music that grooves and
has strong melodic sensibilities. One does
not need to be a fan of only progressive
music per se to enjoy the broad musical
styles that ruminate throughout the CD.
To Stones the album was written between
the Fall of 2004 and the Summer of 2006,
the songs that comprise the CD were written
and recorded sporadically. “Down,”
Shallow,” and “Waiting For .
. .” were written and recorded within
a couple of months. The rest of the songs
were written and demoed in the Spring of
2004. It took almost two years of faith
and diligent effort to finally record the
rest of the material and re-record parts
of those original tracks to create the completed
the Fall of 2004, Tony Vinci, David Callari,
and Steve Germano began an unnamed band
that aimed to meld the intense musicality
of progressive rock with a modern “popular”
sensibility. A few songs were written, but
the full chemistry needed for a band seemed
to be absent, so Tony and David decided
to finish writing and recording a CD together.
Along with Rich Dellapietra on keys and
Richard Fink IV on vocals, they created
a three-song demo. At that point, due to
schedules and life, Tony wrote the rest
of the CD’s material on his own. Once
everything was written, David came back
in to write and record bass for the majority
of the rest of the CD. Once David’s
parts were finished, Richard Fink IV returned
to record and finalise vocals and was responsible
for the lion’s share of the vocal
melody and harmony ideas.

Reviews at all leading rock/metal publications
and online sites.
» Album showcases at selected elite
» Speaking To Stones are an exciting
new addition to the blossoming progressive
» The band have been developing a
big buzz on the underground scene.