Of Eden is Artension guitarist Roger Stafffelbach’s
new band project. Having recorded seven
albums with the prog metallers Roger has
formed his own band in his own vision with
the focus on top quality metal with neo-classical
influences. The result is “The End
Of Never” - ten tracks of melodic
harmonies, neo-classical lead work, potent
riffs and grinding heavy metal rhythms all
wrapped in a powerful production with superb
by Roger’s virtuoso guitar work, the
melodic soaring vocals of Carsten “Lizard”
Schulz [Evidence One, ex Domain], keyboard
wizardry of Mistheria [solo, Bruce Dickinson]
and, the powerhouse drumming of Rami Ali
[Evidence One] “The End Of Never”
is a first class album from some of metal
most respected names offering lush vocal
melodies, pulsating rhythms and virtuoso
lead breaks within captivating songs. The
album is also home to several notable guest
performances in the guise of bassist Steve
Di Giorgio [ex Testament] John West [ex
Royal Hunt], David Shankle [ex Manowar]
and Ferdy Doernberg [Axel Rudi Pell],
End Of Never” is the start of Roger
Staffelbach setting out with his own vision,
more accessible than his work in Artension
yet with the all the trademarks his playing
is renowned for backed up with the ever
impressive vocals of Carsten Schulz.. “Angel
Of Eden - The End Of Never” showcases
an impressive new beginning from Staffelbach
and a band that is ready to expand on this
blistering debut.

» Exciting new power metal outfit
with some of the leading names in the metal
» Roger Staffelbach has a loyal fan
base that has been waiting for his own project
for over 10 years; Angel Of Eden is this
» Carsten Schulz is considered one
of Europe’s hottest vocalists to have
emerged in recent years.
» Extensive promo campaign underway
with album showcases at select leading websites
and reviews in all leading rock/metal press.
