Book Of Reflections - Chapter II: Unfold The Future (8,5/10) - V/A - 2006 |
Genre: Progressive Power Metal
Label: Lion Music
Playing time: 55:48
Band homepage: -
Unfold The Future
Bringer Of The Torch
Free My Soul
Heal Me
Uncover The Lie
Ashes To Ashes
Make Sure You Don’t Fall
Deep Inside
Blink Of An Eye
Got To Get Low
- Love Conquers All
“Unfold The Future” is the second chapter in the BOOK OF REFLECTIONS saga. The project itself is the brainchild of virtuoso guitarist Lars Eric Mattsson. As showcased on the album, Mattsson is no slouch when it comes to deeply technical and progressive music; he also has a keen ear for talent, as he surrounds himself with other highly skilled musicians on “Unfold The Future”, thus resulting in an excellent Progressive Power Metal collaboration.
Aside from Mattsson, we have Björn Jansson (TEARS OF ANGER) and Martin LeMar (TOMORROW’S EVE) splitting vocal duties, Anand Mahangoe (SPHERE OF SOULS) dueling Mattsson on lead guitar, Mistheria (from Bruce Dickinson’s solo band!) on keys, and Mattsson’s longtime partner-in-crime Eddie Sledgehammer on the skins. Though these names may be unfamiliar to most, they truly sound like an all-star cast, thanks to Lion Music’s characteristically decent production. The vocals are a little buried sometimes, but it hardly affects the overall sound of the record.
As far as the songs themselves, most of the tracks on “Unfold The Future” generally consist of powerful, technical verses combined with shout-along choruses. “Free My Soul” is a perfect example of this highly melodic Prog sound. After the choruses, Mattsson and Mahangoe both rip out killer high-speed solos, thus rounding out the song perfectly. Much of the album is built upon these basic elements, though the manner in which Mattsson chooses to go about delivering them is entirely unpredictable.
In contrast to the chaotic energy of the title track, we have a single acoustic number on the album, “Blink Of An Eye”. It’s so different from anything else on the album that one just has to appreciate its simplicity. In all respects, it’s a very beautiful and atmospheric ballad which shows Mattsson transitioning flawlessly from complicated off-beat riffing to soft, casual acoustic picking.
If you’re looking for a little bit of variety with your Power Metal, then “Chapter II: Unfold The Future” should be right up your alley. Not all the songs are winners, but it’s chock-full of complex material combined with catchy choruses. Fans of KAMELOT will dig this one for sure.
(Online December 21, 2006)

“Book of Reflections” is one of the many projects of the guitarist, composer and owner of this band, Lars Eric Mattson. A true Jack-of-all-trades. He started this project at 2004, Chapter II, Unfold the Future is the second album of Book of Reflections and hit the shops in November 2006.
People could describe their music as a mix between classic hard rock and power metal, Dream Theater with some Sonata Arctica and Alice Cooper.
Book of Reflections opens the album with a stormy track, “Unfold the Future”, a rough melodic track in which the vocals come out beautiful, even as the loud guitars which scream throughout the track.
The album continuous with the second track, “Bringer of the Torch”. A less bombastic track than the first one of this album.
The nicest thing of this album is the variety between tracks. They start with a rough track then continue with a somewhat softer track. The most relaxed track on this album is “Heal me”. It’s a combination of piano, violins and the vocals, by far the most dramatic and easiest track of the whole album.
“Book of Reflection” has a nice number of varying and interesting tracks brought together in one album. All in all, a very suitable album for lovers of power metal.
Book of Reflections
Chapter II: Unfold the Future Lion Music
Comments: It's his damn label and he will play amazing guitar keyboards and bass if he wants to. Ha ha . Lars Eric Mattsson's talents is but one of the amazing musical temptations here on this eclectic progressive metal album. The second album in the project, this one is slightly more melodic and progressive. There are the usual guest performers of course. Mistheria (Bruce Dickinson) arrives on keyboards, Eddie Sledgehammer on drums and both Bjorn Jansson (Tears Of Anger) and Martin LeMar (Tomorrow's Eve) are on vocal duties. There is also a second guitar slot used here and it is played by Anand Mahangoe (Sphere Of Souls, Solo). The songs are pretty basic but the musicianship is what this album is all about.
Sledgehammer banging the life out of the skins on the second track is a great example. Wow is the production of the recording slanted well for the percussion. Good Lord. It is on the third track "Free My Soul" that Mahangoe get's off on his first of three guitar solos, a spirited effort indeed. The vocals are handled well by both men and take nothing from the wonderfully played instruments on any of the songs. They compliment and uplift the progressive grooves but never distract from the killer melodies.
Mattsson is the real story here though, and his overall ability to not simply handle his pieces on keys, bass and guitar are unreal. The keyboard play of the multi talented Mattson is well done too, as seen on the solo on track three "Free My Soul" and the deft beauty and gentle nature of his playing on the next cut "Heal Me." Obviously, axe wizard Mattson hits up plenty of his classic shredtastic playing on the guitar. The rocket fast mini solo twelve seconds into the album and the elongated version of this on song six show that those skills have only improved with age. There's a conventional metal/ shred solo of the first rate on "Got to Get Low." Hell, he even plays acoustic guitar as well on track nine.
Lars obviously was the project leader and had the task of blending all the talents of the numerous performers into a cohesive mixture of enjoyable music. And in that task he was most successful. Lars Eric Mattson's work has really stepped up these past few years. It seems that Mr. Mattson is approaching the level of Tony MacAlpine who is a wizard on the keys as well as being an awesome axe slinger.
Great job Mr. Lion Music, great job. Everyone that loves progressive music and tremendous instrumentation will love this release. Especially guitar heads. Pick one up at today.
Band Members:
Lars Eric Mattsson - guitars, bass, keyboards, vocals
Björn Jansson - vocals 1,5,8
Martin LeMar - vocals 2, 6, 9
Anand Mahangoe - first guitar solo 3, main guitar solo 8, first guitar solo 11
Mistheria - keyboard solo 5, 6, 7, 10
Eddie Sledgehammer - drums
Track Listing:
1. Unfold the Future
2. Bringer of the Torch
3. Free My Soul
4. Heal Me
5. Uncover the Lie
6. Ashes to Ashes
7. Make Sure You Don't fall
8. Deep Inside
9. Blink of an Eye
10. Got to Get Low
11. Love Conquers All
HRH Rating: 8/10
BOOK OF REFLECTIONS - Chapter II: Unfold The Future
Lion Music
Release Date: 2006-11-24
Lion Music has become a constant when it comes to Progressive, Melodic, and Neoclassical Metal. With surprising regularity, new albums are released from bands that never fail to exhibit a certain strength in composing, and definitely know how to handle their instruments. The average quality of a Lion release is quite astonishing, especially when one takes into consideration that there are about three outputs per month. A fan of said styles is normally safe in picking up (almost) any of their albums -- of course, since they typically sail the same seas, this goes entirely the other way for fans of other genres. But, it's a very commendable thing, to find a label that is absolutely reliable in every aspect. You've got to tip your hat for that.
Truth be told, this Book Of Reflections album is again a top release. That is not surprising at all when one looks at the musicians: Book Of Reflections is officially marked a Lion Music artists’ all-star project, and Chapter II – Unfold The Future is, as hinted, the second release. Mastermind Lars Eric Mattsson has composed and mixed every track, so it seems like it could be one of his solo albums with some guests. If one is familiar with Mattsson’s releases, this fact shines through more than occasionally, so the album would not stand out much if it had his name on the cover instead of Book Of Reflections. As a side note, Mattsson’s 2003 release, Power Games, that reminds occasionally of Ayreon’s ingenious Star One project, and features Lance King (Balance Of Power, Pyramaze), or last year’s War with singer Mark Boals (Ex-Malmsteen, Ring Of Fire), are good starts to begin your journey into his works if you do not know Mattsson already.
But back to the musicians ... here is a list of artists who contributed to the album:
Lars Eric Mattsson – guitars, bass, keyboards, vocals
Björn Jansson (Tears Of Anger/Beyond Twilight) - vocals on three tracks
Martin LeMar (Tomorrow’s Eve) - vocals on three tracks
Anand Mahangoe (Sphere Of Souls) - guitar solo
Mistheria (Bruce Dickinson) - keyboard solo
Eddie Sledgehammer (Beyond Twilight/Condition Red/Vision) – drums
However, what difference does it make if it is called Book Of Reflections or Mattsson as long as the songs are of such a quality! Mattsson takes it often slightly straighter than he averagely does solo, and that makes the album more accessable. At times, the album positively reminds of Rainbow or Axel Rudi Pell as in “Ashes To Ashes” or the opening title track, but Mattsson’s favor for breaks and interludes is always apparent. “Free My Soul” is a very good example of that since it would be a straight, speedy song if composed by somebody else. But not here -– a few short disharmonies, unexpected pace, key changes and/or vocal interludes interrupt the song before it continues on its journey through one’s ears and into his feet.
That habit shines through frequently throughout the CD, be it in fast tracks or slower tunes. And, since he plays most instruments himself, it is quite common that the guitar gives way to a dominant keyboard for extravagant solos like in “Make Sure You Don’t Fall.”
All that seems to be less convincing in written form -- one just has to listen to the weird beginning of “Deep Inside” or the cool vibe of “Got To Get Low” to be able to understand the variety exhibited here, limited as it may be within the genre chosen and never left, which even does not shy aways from a straight ballad, “Blink Of An Eye,” and a last song called “Love Conquers All,” which is based on rather strange keyboard play that almost sounds off key. And, after just over three minutes, it plunges into a guitar solo followed by a keyboard solo -– and everything continues to sound slightly off key, but still it all fits and makes an interesting composition.
If one finds any negative points at all, it is that Lars Mattsson, while being a good singer with a bit too much vibrato in his voice, is only the third best vocalist on the album. But, that is only due to the fact that the other two, Björn Jansson and Martin LeMar, are just so incredibly good.
Book Of Reflection - Chapter II: Unfold The Future (Lion Music) By: Joe Florez |
I was more than impressed with the debut a while back. It was a real treat to hear something so different at the time. For people that know about this band, it’s a project spearheaded by guitarist and owner of Lion Music, Lars Eric Mattsson. Just like this release, there are various singers and musicians. I mainly gravitated toward the first offering due to the unique singing style of one Hubi Meisel. I was just mesmerized by what he had to offer on a few of the track the first around. I thought he would be on here, but sadly…no. So, let’s find out what is in store this time out, shall we? The title track leads the way and all I can say is…WOW! While many may say that the combination of progressive with power |
metal is nothing new, which it isn’t, you have to hear how it’s composed. It’s fantastic. It’s heavy, neo-classical, fast, technical and then some. Bjorn Jannson from Tears Of Anger offers his vocal capabilities and he has a strong voice that never cracks. Lars throws in some really wicked guitar riffs and solos that will blow the mind. The ivory key tickling on here somewhat dominates the song, but it’s ok because it only accents the song. It’s classical at times, fancy and even tripped out in an Amorphis way. Love the song. With such a strong beginning, can the group keep this up? “Bringer Of The Torch” injects a middle eastern atmosphere with some 70’s Pink Floyd-ish keyboard work wrapped around a more mid paced tune that once again entertains the mind and ears. Marin LeMar from Tomorrow’s Eve offers his services and he too has a set of deep lungs that stand out for all the right reasons. Just to show everyone how versatile this record can be, we are treated to a slow and very sad ballad thanks to “Heal Me.” The vocals are somber and depressing as well lush bringing to mind Massiah Marcolin from Candlemass and Jape Peratalo from To/Die/For/. The piano and violin inclusion only helps to bring out the tears from your eyes just by giving it a spin. Want more? “Uncover The Lie” features a guest keyboard solo by an artist known as Mistheria. Most people would say who gives a rats arse, but when I dug just a bit deeper I found out that it’s everyone’s favorite “air raid siren” Bruce Dickinson. He shows up a couple of more times on here surprisingly. And I must admit, he ain’t that bad. It’s was quite cool to inject to say the least. Quite proggy. I wasn’t too sure what to expect on here, but that is just part of the fun. Trying to find out what will stick in your head and what won’t. The only thing I knew was that it was going to be progressive, but to what extent and how predictable would it be. I am happy to report that this is chock full of excitement that will keep you hooked from start to finish in any style that a song is performed in. This is no paint by numbers release. Dive in. | |
Book of Reflections – Chapter II: Unfold the Future

2006 Lion Music
Mattsson and Co. again continue a ‘reflective’ legacy.
Following up to the first release from 2004, the second chapter of Unfold the Future takes the conceptual path of the first into a much more melodic direction, putting more elements of melodic rock and AOR at the forefront along with the attack of technical progressive metal & neo-classical textures. At the helm with guitarist/multi-instrumentalist/composer Lars Eric Mattsson, are vocalists Bjorn Jansson (Tears of Anger) & Martin LeMar (Tomorrow’s Eve), guitarist Anand Mahangoe (Sphere of Souls), keyboardist Mistheria (Bruce Dickinson), and drummer Eddie Sledgehammer; so there is a different lineup than the first record, making for a slightly different sound.
But like the first chapter, there is a less brash ‘neo-classical’ sound, where again, more melodies are intact, for which this is apparent on tracks such as “Bringer of the Torch,” the ballad “Blink of an Eye” and the hard driving title cut. But of course, Mattsson unleashes his precision based compositional skills and chops, and this is played out on opuses like the staccato laden “Got to Get Low,” the symphonic tinged “Free My Soul,” and the mystically intense “Uncover the Lie;” Mattsson knows how to make it all work.
Chapter II: Unfold the Future is a continuation of the first, and shows a different musical approach, packing fury, power, and dynamic melodies that have that Mattsson sound written all over them.
Added: November 12th 2006
Reviewer: Tommy Hash
Related Link: Lars Eric Mattsson Link
Band: Book Of Reflections
Title: Chapter II - Unfold The Future
Label: Lion Music |
Book of Reflections is the brainchild of Lars Eric Mattsson and features some of Lion Music’s utmost vocal talent, with both Bjorn Jansson of Tears of Anger and Martin LeMar off Tomorrows Eve, both laying down three vocal tracks each. Combined with Mattsson providing the remaining vocals, also featured on this quite outstanding album are Mistheria, who lends his keyboard talents to the fold, and Anand Mahangoe of Sphere of Souls, who provides addition guitars, and last but not least, long time collaborator with Mattsson the infamous drumming prowess of Eddie Sledgehammer.
The album opens up with Jansson taking up the vocal mantel on the title track ‘Unfold The Future’. A real storming track that gets the album started with it's heavy but progressive sound, abetted by some thunderous drums from Sledgehammer and with the high octane vocals of Jansson, all go to make this a great way to get things underway.
The album continues with LeMar taking up the lead for ‘Bringer of the Torch’, another power infested track, though not as full on as the opener, the progressive metal feel still remains and highlights LeMar’s soulful vocals.
It’s all change on the vocal front once again as this time Mattsson shows he can sing as well as play guitar, bass and keyboards. With ‘Free My Soul’ his has a more up-tempo rocker that goes for the jugular from the off, a rampaging mix of swirling keys and a rhythm section to die for.
After the last track things slow down a touch with once again Mattsson on vocals for the haunting symphony that is ‘Heal Me’. A more reflective track that paves the way to the return to the vocals of Jansson for the mystic Eastern tones of ‘Uncover The Lie’, a real power metal mix of gypsy violins and the more contemporary metal tones. A real mixed bag on this one and the added keyboards of Mistheria add to the eclectic mix.
We return to the real progressive metal with the excellent ‘Ashes To Ashes’, another full assault on the senses with the added bonus of some superb solos from both Mattsson and Mistheria.
The album takes another breather from the heavier side of progressive metal as it unveils another layer with the hard rock tones of ‘Make Sure You Don’t Fail’, which once again feature some fantastic keyboards by Mistheria.
The more progressive metal purists will just love ‘Deep Inside’ with its mix of thumping bass and soaring keyboards. This track has it in abundance and Mattsson’s vocals on this one reminds me a little of a certain Jorn Lande.
The album once again introduces an additional twist with the acoustic ‘Blink of an Eye’, a real rose in this field of progressive metal. But this is just a short interlude as things once again gently pick up with ‘Got To Get Low’, a more subdued track while still retaining the progressive mindscape of the entire album.
The gentle feel continues with the album closer ‘Love Conquers All’, a real slow burner of a track that rounds of a real gem of an album.
1. Unfold The Future
2. Bringer Of The Torch
3. Free My Soul
4. Heal Me
5. Uncover The Lie
6. Ashes To Ashes
7. Make Sure You Don't Fall
8. Deep Inside
9. Blink Of An Eye
10. Got To Get Low
11. Love Conquers All |

Review from:
Band: Book Of Reflections
Band: Book Of Reflections |
When this CD stopped playing I… pushed the “Play” key again, and when it ended, I pushed it again… and again… and again, that’s how good this self-titled CD is.
Refreshing, powerful, masterfully played, entertaining, fun, that’s just some of the labels one could use to describe this album.
Although you really need to be one hell of a metal fan to really say that you ever heard of this guys, this “All-Star” band present us with a fantastic neoclassical power metal (with a touch of prog metal), no nonsense, straight to jugular of a great debut album!
BOR accomplishes an amazing thing: they make a power metal album without ever falling into the clichés of this genre, don’t expect to hear high pitch screams or overproduced songs.
What you can expect is, above all, professionalism, and a great love for what they are doing. Great lyrics, masterful guitar solos and surprisingly, fabulous keyboard solos, accompanied by a not very usual voice for power metal combines into what should became a classic album.
Just listen to songs like “Guardian of Time”, “Only One Truth” or the amazing “Let it Go” and you will see what I mean.
1. Guardian of Time
2. Child of the Rainbow
3. Tearing Down
4. Only One Truth
5. Phoenix
6. Going Through The Motions
7. Slippin' Away
8. You're Not Alone
9. Book of Illusions
10. Let it Go
11. Blood From a Stone (European exclusive bonus track)
Shadow |
Book Of Reflection - s/t (10/10) - V/A - 2004 |
Genre: Power Metal
Label: Lion Music
Playing time: 51:30
Band homepage: -
Going Through The Emotions
Tearing Down
Slippin' Away
Only The Truth
Child Of The Rainbow
You're Not Alone
Book Of Reflections
Let It Go
Blood From A Stone
Here we go again with another all star project of a more underground nature. You will really have to know your bands and musicians here to know these guys. BOR features ivory tickler extraordinaire Vitalij Kuprij (ARTENSION), guitarist Lars Eric Mattsson, solo artist Hubi Meisel (EX-DREAMSCAPE) along with other folks from CONDITION RED, WINTERLONG and SECTION A. Since this is a release that pretty much came out of left field, I think a brief history of this project is needed.
Guitar virtuoso Lars Eric Mattsson was approached by an Asian company to put something spectacular. Once all of the special members were chosen, the CD came to be. Thank God! For once, the CD doesn't open up with an intro. “Phoenix“ guns head first right through your speakers. It's neo-classical Power Metal at its finest. This isn't overly complicated or highly majestic. It's up beat and just right. The guitar solos here are tough as nails while the drums just pound away. The neo-classical keyboard work is inserted here as well, but it's not overkill. Now, there are four singers here and I am not quite sure who this is, but his voice is strong, manly and powerful. What an energetic song we have here.
“Guardian Of Time“ is another explosive tune with more power chord action and there are even some string arrangements tossed in here, but they are very faint and you must listen closely to hear them. Once again, the guitar strutting of Lars and Rusty Cooley prove to be a highpoint. I finally recognize the first voice on this CD. Hubi Meisel does a killer performance on “Tearing Down.“ Hubi has an intriguing set of lung because they are very distinctive and he sings high, but not quite like Halford or anyone like that. However, just as quickly he can go from high to mid range and add a little grit to them if he wants to. Once again, the jet propelled guitar solos are a stand out and this track is just loaded with power. All of the vocalists on here get to sing on more than one song on this concept CD. Everything on here is superb. The production is a knock out. The musicianship is simply flawless and the compositions are just right. There is nothing overkill on here. There is just the right amounts of technicality, melodies, catchiness, neo-classical piano and string arrangements.
This may not be as well known as the Sacha Paeth/Miro AINA project or AYREON, but this one deserves to be heard because there will be absolutely no regrets about it. This is a CD that everyone can enjoy. Spread the word! (Online October 25, 2004)

The self-titled {^Book Of Reflections} is highly refined metal containing
music completely written by prolific guitarist/keyboardist/bassist {$Lars
Eric Mattson} with lyricist {$Connie Welen} helping out on three of the
eleven tracks. Recorded between April and December 2003 in Finland,
Germany, Sweden and USA the music has a clarity that can become dizzying
for those not obsessed with the genre, the final track, {&"Blood From A
Stone"}, displaying the same intensity as {&"Going Through The Motions"},
though "Motions" has some dynamic movements to break up the head-banging.
This is not your familiar sludge-rock gone speed metal - these fellows
take it to another artistic level - pristine production you're more likely
to find on a recording from vintage {$Yes} wrapping up cool titles like
{&"Guardian Of Time"} in fast-paced progressive rocket riffs. Methodical
and eerie, the group flirts with {$Iron Maiden} and {$Scorpions} ideas but
veer off into their own direction. The album is basically {$Mattson}'s
baby with lead vocals from four different singers - {Andy Engberg} (of
{$Section A} and formerly of {$Lion's Share} ) , {$Winterlong}'s {$Mikael
Holm}, ex-{$Dreamscape} {$Hubi Meisel} and {$Torgny Stjärnfelt} of
{$Condition Red}. The song {&"Book Of Reflections"} jumps right into the
fray with no warning (or intro passage) and superb guitarwork that makes
the instrumental a stand out. {&"Slippin' Away"} takes things down a peg,
showing these players can put the lightning fast onslaught into slow
motion and still have it work. Imagine a musician whose only song to study
as an aspiring guitar slinger is {$Black Sabbath}'s {&"Paranoid"}, then
push the turntable from 45 RPM to 78 RPM, you'll have a good idea of the
intensity inside what the label calls "high-energy
symphonic/neoclassical power metal". {$Mattson}'s bass corresponds well
with {$Eddie Sledgehammer}'s drums, but for an "All Star" project flavors
from another bassist or two could have added another dimension to the
work. It has, after all, the same rhythm section found on {$Mattson}'s
2001 re-recording of his 1988 album {^Eternity}. Still, it's a focused
and solid project ranging from speed metal to melodic crunch rock,
refining 80's licks and hitting hard.
(C)2004 Joe Viglione for

The new all-star project Book Of Reflections from Lion Music, was put together by Lars Eric Mattsson after
having been approached by an Asian company. The album is recorded between April and December 2003 in
Finland, Germany, Sweden and USA. All the songs is written by Lars Eric Mattsson, with some help with the
lyrics from Conny Welen. With four well-known great singers and some very fine musicians, the idea was to make
a fast and furious, yet very melodic album that would neither be too complicated nor too simple and on which the
vocal melodies would stand out.

Lars Eric Mattsson is a well-known musician in the Swedish music scene, with a lot of releases behind him. His
latest project Book Of Reflections is up until today the best work I`ve heard from songwriter, producer and
guitarplayer Lars Eric Mattsson. With the use of four different singers, Andy Engberg, Mikael Holm, Hubi
Meisel and Torgny Stjärnfelt, plus help from many great musicians like keyboardist Vitalij Kuprij and guitarplayer
Rusty Cooley to name a few, he has managed to put together an all-star-team of musicians. Musically I will call
Book Of Reflections` music for neoclassical Heavy Metal/Power Metal with small elements from Progressive
Metal. I really have taste for this type of music with neoclassical elements and specially with releases like this who is
a proof of that it is not the most complicated who have to be the best. It is how the things are arranged and performed
and put together who is the most important part. With Book Of Reflections I think Lars Eric Mattsson has
managed to get in all the right elements to make a great album! The opening track, Phoenix, is a fast song with a
nice chorus, great guitars and nicely played keyboards. The CD continues with outstanding tracks like Guardian
Of Time and my personal favorite Tearing Down, who is a great heavy ballad with beautiful singing, great played
keyboards and guitars. Only The Truth and the Melodic Hard Rock oriented You`re Not Alone are perfectly
performed and written songs with high quality. Check out Book Of Reflections immediately and you will be surprised!
Lead Vocals
Andy Engberg (Section A/ex-Lion’s Share)
Mikael Holm (Winterlong)
Hubi Meisel (ex-Dreamscape)
Torgny Stjärnfelt (Condition Red)
Keyboards - Vitalij Kuprij, Lars Eric Mattsson
Guitars - Rusty Cooley, Lars Eric Mattsson
Drums -Eddie Sledgehammer
Bass - Lars Eric Mattsson
Additional vocals - Torgny Stjärnfelt (Condition Red) and Mikaela Mattsson

Book of Reflections - Book of Reflections
Stil: Power Metal
Label Kontakt:
Wow, was für ein Projekt. Book of Reflections kann sich zurecht die All-Star Band von Lion Music nennen. Was Allroundtalent und Workaholic Lars Eric Mattsson hier wieder abliefert, kann man nur als furios bezeichnen. Zusammen mit einer Menge versierter Musikerkollegen, wie Keyboarder Vitalij Kuprij oder Gitarrist Rusty Coolex ,hat er ein Werk geschaffen, das die Gratwanderung zwischen eingängigen, ohrwurmbetonten Sound und komplexen Songstrukturen perfekt meistert.
Grossartige Kompositionen, die teilweise an Iron Maiden erinnern, geben sich die Klinke in die Hand und ziehen sich durch die gesamte CD. Leicht verständlich, aber nicht einfach, eingängig und trotzdem spektakulär. So kann man die Musik wohl am besten in Worte fassen. Besonders die Gitarrensoli kann man nur mit einem Wort beschreiben: Atemberaubend. Was auf diesem Album alles geboten wird, schaffen manche Bands nicht mal ansatzweise über mehrere Alben verteilt. Anspieltipps zu nennen fällt schwer, da die ganze Zeit auf gleichbleibend hohem Niveau musiziert wird. Das superbe Instrumental "Book of Illusions" oder das sehr dynamische "Tearing Down" sind ebenso dafür prädestiniert wie die obligatorische Ballade "Phoenix". Gelungen kann man auch den Einsatz von vier verschiedenen Sängern (Andy Engberg (Section A / ex-Lion's Share), Mikael Holm (Winterlong), Hubi Meisel (ex-Dreamscape) und Torgny Stjärnfelt (Condition Red) ) bezeichnen, die das Album noch abwechslungsreicher gestalten und ihm noch einen kräftigen Drive mit geben.
Einziger Wehrmutstropfen ist das einfallslose, standardisierte Schlagzeug, welches im Vergleich zum Rest negativ eintönig erscheint. Wäre dieser Punkt nicht, hätte ich Book of Reflections die seltene Ehre einer Höchstpunktzahl erteilt. So bleibt es "nur" bei einem fast perfekten Album mit einer ebenso fast perfekten Punktzahl.
Wertung: 9 von 10
M E N S C H E N F E I N D - Heavy World, Germany
Review |
by Joe Viglione |
The self-titled Book Of Reflections is highly refined metal containing music completely written by prolific guitarist/keyboardist/bassist Lars Eric Mattson with lyricist Connie Welen helping out on three of the eleven tracks. Recorded between April and December 2003 in Finland, Germany, Sweden and USA the music has a clarity that can become dizzying for those not obsessed with the genre, the final track, "Blood From A Stone", displaying the same intensity as "Going Through The Motions", though "Motions" has some dynamic movements to break up the head-banging. This is not your familiar sludge-rock gone speed metal - these fellows take it to another artistic level - pristine production you're more likely to find on a recording from vintage Yes wrapping up cool titles like "Guardian Of Time" in fast-paced progressive rocket riffs. Methodical and eerie, the group flirts with Iron Maiden and Scorpions ideas but veer off into their own direction. The album is basically Mattson's baby with lead vocals from four different singers - ndy Engberg (of Section A and formerly of Lion's Share ) , Winterlong's Mikael Holm, ex-Dreamscape Hubi Meisel and Torgny Stjärnfelt of Condition Red. The song "Book Of Reflections" jumps right into the fray with no warning (or intro passage) and superb guitarwork that makes the instrumental a stand out. "Slippin' Away" takes things down a peg, showing these players can put the lightning fast onslaught into slow motion and still have it work. Imagine a musician whose only song to study as an aspiring guitar slinger is Black Sabbath's "Paranoid", then push the turntable from 45 RPM to 78 RPM, you'll have a good idea of the intensity inside what the label calls "high-energy symphonic/neoclassical power metal". Mattson's bass corresponds well with Eddie Sledgehammer's drums, but for an "All Star" project flavors from another bassist or two could have added another dimension to the work. It has, after all, the same rhythm section found on Mattson's 2001 re-recording of his 1988 album Eternity. Still, it's a focused and solid project ranging from speed metal to melodic crunch rock, refining 80's licks and hitting hard.