THE MYSTERY HALL - The Voyager Through The Void
Lion Music
Out Now
The Mystery Hall are a new metal band from Spain led by the stunning guitar work of Tony Baena (one of Spain’s most respected guitar heroes) and vocals of Rafael Morata. Anyone expecting some sort of space music ala Hawkwind by the bands name and album title think again as this is a strong slice of metal with a progressive meets AOR edge to it.
Where as many bands fall down due to be complicated for the sake of it, The Mystery Hall know how to craft a song first and then add any required intricate musical embellishment second. This is clearly evident on Sudden Recall and Pushed By The Waves where Baene really lets rip with some wonderful lead work. The sound reminds me a little of a more simplistic Dream Theater (in the guitar tones) and fans that find DT a little over-indulgent will get a lot from The Voyager Through The Void.
Sonically the album is competent enough, being the debut release the budget was probably nothing like the likes of Symphony X or Dream Theater get to play with and the mix is a little cluttered in places, luckily this does not detract too much from the excellent music on offer and hopefully album number 2 will have more punch.
Lion Music have unearthed another excellent band in The Mystery Hall - give them a try.
Rating - 85%

1. Sudden Recall
2. In The Roar Of Ecstasy
3. Pushed By The Waves
4. Underground
5. Like A Tumbleweed
6. A Brand New Day
7. Words And Stone
8. Quicksand Love
9. Disbelief (Set Me Free)
10. Lord And Master
11. Castaway Of The Skies
12. Shambala
Tony Baena (g, k, bv)
Rafael Morata (v)
Victor Nieto (d)
Albert Forns (b)
Review added
August 26, 2005 |
The Voyager Through The Void
© 2005 Lion Music (LMC 138)
progressive metal
studio album
12 tracks - TT 64:15
release date: August 19, 2005
Just like the second album of Airless, this debut from The Mystery Hall was supposed to be released by Vinny Records. Anyway, both discs are now thrown on the market by Lion Music and we can only be happy that they are released anyhow. Don’t compare the two Spanish bands though, as they change tack. The main men behind The Mystery Hall are vocalist Rafael Morata and Tony Baena, known as one of Spain’s best guitar players. Together with bass player Albert Forns and drummer Victor Nieto they have written and recorded an album that can be filed under progressive metal. The strange title is explained as follows: “The voyager who listens to this album will take a trip from the lyrics and the melody of the songs, which speak about human feelings, questions without answers and the darker side, passing through the void created by an unknown state.” Does that make things any clearer? Not really, I suppose, but that’s not important. What’s important, is that you should take enough time to listen to this album. Playing it once is not enough, because with each spin you will enjoy it more and more. Admitted, I had to get used to the high-pitched voice of Morata, but now I can safely say that it suits the material. Another nice surprise from Lion Music. ( CL)
WOLF 359

If you like Vanden Plas then this band should appeal to you . Well played prog/metal with some superb musicianship , seems like it's the year for this type of music . |
The Mystery Hall
The Voyager Through The Void
Hmm … a most intriguing little release from Lion Music which seems to have slipped out without much fanfare, ‘The Voyager Through The Void’ is the debut offering from the rather oddly named Spanish progressive metal quartet, The Mystery Hall. Given it’s somewhat innocuous cover, I can perhaps see why many people would pass it over for something more visually stimulating, but to do so would be to deprive yourself of some at times excellent, bombastic progressive metal. Led by vocalist Rafael Morata and guitarist / keyboard player Tony Baena, The Mystery Hall (a slightly surreal take on Dream Theater perhaps?) offer a dynamic, highly melodic, crescendo driven sound which reminds me very much of a more overblown Vanden Plas mixed in with a healthy dose of neo-classical references a la Majestic / Space Odyssey. The standard of musicianship is excellent throughout (Baena is a real guitar star in the making), and although there is perhaps a touch too much top end in the final mix, the swirling, multilayered sounds of tracks like ‘Sudden Recall’, ‘Underground’, and ‘A Brand New Day’ offer an exhilarating musical sojourn which not only maintains your interest throughout, but actually makes you want to come back and listen again and again. Whilst, they’re not quite ready to compete in the premier league just yet, as debut’s go, ‘The Voyager Through The Void’ is a highly accomplished shot across the bows of some of the bigger bands out there. Best thing on Lion since the emergence of Section A.
Review by Dave Cockett (Destiny)