Basically the band WATERCLIME is a certain Mr V (mainman of the band VINTERSORG), who does everything on his own (Guitars, Bass, Vocals, Keyboards, Organs, Mellotron & Programming, production, mixing and mastering!!!) on the 2nd WATERCLIME album. The result is a surprisingly great Neo-Progressive Rockalbum which sounds like it was created by a true progband in the sense of IQ, SYLVAN, PENDRAGON... Songs like "Vision or Void", "Moonstream Portrait", "A Journey to the Center of the Soul" and "Twilight" will easily find it's way to all the Neo-Progfans. Progfans should check this out definitely, more info at:
(Points: 8.2 out of 10)
Strutter Zine, Netherlands

Waterclime - Imaginative
Lion Music
I have to say that I was once a huge Vintersorg fan. It seems like when most people are digging him between that and his time in Borknagar, my interest dwindled tremendously. I think the final nail in the coffin for me was his non stop over the top dramatic voice that is so rich and thick. Yes, he can sing, but it was just not cutting it for me anymore. Is there any other style he can do beside black metal and the theatrical? I wasn’t exactly fond of the first Waterclime disc and when I received this, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to even listen to it or pass it on. Well, I couldn’t help my curiosity and it got the best of me. So, I popped this in. I knew that this was classic 70&rsquo ;s prog/rock, but a smile was quickly put on my face when I heard the first track “Vision Or Void.” It has a very dated vibe, but I love this. I am impressed with this mere song for so many reasons. First, he played everything on here himself and each instrument is played to perfection. This is a near impossible feat if you ask me. Secondly, Vintersorg’s voice is a bit thin here, but I dig it. He can alter his voice a bit if need be. What a change of pace. Lastly, the music is just wonderful. It a mix of vintage ELP prog thanks to the complex drumming. The spacey Hawkwind like vibes are tripped out and then even jazz atmospheres make an appearance on here. What sounds like a xylophone is thrown on here for good measure. This is such a layered song that one listen isn’t enough. While my initial listen was a pleasant one, I must go back because there is so much going on. The major issue here now is if the musicianship and interest can remain for the duration. “Flashes” adds flutes to the mix of jazz and prog to give it that folk feeling and despite the fact that there is a lot going on, it actually works. “Body Migrated” throws in the kitchen sink as he adds horns to the mix of things. You would think that the band Chicago was hired to perform on here. As opposed to the other songs on here, this one doesn’t sound as dated. It has a touch of modern flair. In the end, I wasn’t expecting something so out of left field, but in a fabulous way. This disc has it all from soft jazz to mellotron's to organs to percussions, horns and so on. This is a well crafted disc that old school prog heads should dig even if you you never heard of the man responsible for this. Not only do I suggest multiple listens to soak in everything, but to get the full experience I suggest that you pull up a chair and put your headphones on. This is one incredible journey. I loved every last drop of this…even the vocals.

Waterclime - The Astral Factor
Lion Music
As you see that Lion Music's new release onslaught has just started even from the beginning of January, 2006. Waterclime is a new project of extreme metal Vintersorg's leader, Mr.V. To be honest with you, I've never tried out the music of Vintersorg before, but surprisingly Waterclime's music sucessfully combines the elements of symphonic progressive rock with folky and trad music influences from Norway. Somewhat, the album of The Astral Factor sounds in the vein of early White Willow and some other notable progressive rock bands from Scandinavian regions. Yet, the music of Waterclime has managed to create their own atmospheric sounds and ambients with complex arrangments. In addition, each song has etherial and soothing effects to satisfy retro-prog rock fans. It's quite interesting to see that so-called European extreme metal and death metal groups have made fantastic symphonic rock or vintage sounding prog rock music like Opeth and Dan Swano. I have no idea why such bands/musicians residing in extreme or death metal bands sometimes release and make astonishingly fabulous prog rock and symphonic keyboard oriented albums. Yeah, I think there are some good enough reasons or motivations behind such great music to perform. The instrumentation through the entire album is really solid and beautiful enough for prog listeners to enjoy. Recommended for atmospheric and ambient prog rock music fans. The Astral Factor is one of fresh retro-sounding sympho prog albums done by modern-day's extreme metal musicians.
Pilgrim World, Japan

WATERCLIME - "The Astral Factor", 2006 (Lion Music)
Theirs is no disgrace.
WATERCLIME is a new side project from Vintersorg frontman Mr.V. When I read the press release on the new CD 'The Astral Factor' I was expecting some kind of ambient symphonic noise thing that probably went nowhere. Man, was I wrong! Simply put, 'The Astral Factor' is amazing. Finally someone has made a prog rock record without it sounding like a math equation. It is deeply rooted in 70's progressive and experimental art rock, but also sounds completely refreshing in an age where melodic and technical hard rock sound mechanical, unoriginal and soulless.
All the instruments and vocals on this record are credited to Mr. V except three guitar solos (two of which are played by Vintersorg guitarist Mattias Marklund), and two guest vocalists. Also of note is the fact that Mr. V wrote and recorded one track at a time giving the album a layered and textured feel. One might think this would create a record devoid of any real structure, but that is not the case. The album has structure, just not in a conventional sense.
Upon hearing the opening track "Mountains", I was already hooked. An upbeat and melodic rocker with Martin Barre/JETHRO TULL style guitar riffs and organ stabs that conjure up visions of Rick Wakeman's towering pyramid of keyboards onstage during an early YES tour. Mr. V's voice sounds remarkably similar to Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull. So much so that I half expected to hear a blistering flute solo complete with quick short out of breath chirps in between notes. The next track "Floating" starts with a clean strumming rhythm guitar over top and electric sitar that flows perfectly into the first verse. As a matter of fact, the whole album flows right along from one song to the next. It does not ramble on with pretentious times changes that only make sense to the people playing them. All of the instruments intertwine with each other. On the song "Painting Without Colors" an uplifting guitar part meshes perfectly with a dark, sinister organ. The album is full of musical paradoxes that somehow seem to make complete sense.
WATERCLIME is a musical project that wears it's influences on it's compositional sleeve. You can clearly hear the stylings of early YES, TULLl, NEKTAR, ELP, GENTLE GIANT and even RUSH. Out of all this is something that feels very new and from a listener's standpoint is completely fulfilling. It is an album that is rich in harmonies, ambiance and atmosphere. It is said that a key inspiration in composing this record was nature. I think that 'The Astral Factor' is proof that music and nature are in almost perfect harmony.

- Jettmandude www.peacedogman.com
Waterclime - The Astral Factor (Lion Music) Review by Steve Green |
Waterclime is the new project of Andreas Hedlund AKA Vintersorg. And what a cool as fuck album he's produced. This one hit me straight away as opener Mountains sounded like the bastard son from Jethro Tull's Aqualung, especially in the vocal department, with the performance a dead ringer for Ian Anderson if ever I heard one. And the sense of familiarity is felt throughout the album. Never in such an obvious way as the opener, but small nuances and melody lines tap at the old grey matter and shake a few cobwebs. But unfortunately I've failed to place a single one to it's original source.
From the lofty heights of Mountains (pun intended) the album quickly switches to the aptly
named laidback folky vibe of Floating. Which also fits in nicely with the album title. The spaced out hippy 70s feel continues onto the title track with lead guitars than hint at Thin Lizzy, before taking a more Proggy direction. I gave up smoking dope about 13 years ago, but I can imagine a couple of natural herbs assisting in the enjoyment and relaxation factor of this chilled out cosmos. And once in it's trance like state, the pace rarely increases, which is fine by me.
The chorus on Painting Without Colours picks the pace up slightly as it measures high on the feelgood factor and the urge to light an incense stick or two is impossible to ignore. The dual layered vocals are highly addictive as they cruise gently above their acoustic foundations. I know I'm repeating myself, but "cool as fuck" is the only way to describe this masterpiece.
If you're an old git like me and were brought up on a healthy diet of 70s Prog and a smattering of 60s Hippy Folk, then you'll love this. It's as if the last 30 years never existed and I can quite happily live with that. www.lionmusic.com www.live4metal.com |

Waterclime, a band with an unusual name - fitting for the rather unusual individual who helms it. "Mr. V" or Vintersorg as he's commonly known has founded yet another "band" to satiate his ever-increasing interest in eclectic, experimental and avant-garde music. Taking on the sole responsibility for production, instrumentation and composition, Mr. V has created a most intriguing record in The Astral Factor. Sound familiar? Well, it seems Mr. V's fervor for astronomical phenomena and existentialism hasn't been quelled since his previous outings in his namesake band and Borknagar, and he reprises these themes (albeit less prominently than before) taking on nature and art as well. Lyrically, the album is more accessible and less complex (read: pretentious) than what his back catalog is known for, and he primarily uses clean singing rather than his trademark growls.
The music is extremely well produced; Mr. V's prowess in creating an ambient "wall-of-sound" is remarkable, which compliments the mellower tone of the album well. Based in 70's progressive rock akin to the likes of Uriah Heep, Vintersorg blends soothing, folky guitarwork and calming symphonic electronics including bells, mellotrons and flutes to create a wonderous feel to the music. Vintersorg largely dispenses with traditional song structures completely including time scales on occasion, much akin to the work of The Devin Townsend Band circa Terria, all of which is quite impressive from a technical perspective. He opts more for creating textures through motive, repetition and variation - there's scarcely a (what one could term a) riff to be heard on this record. Vintersorg layers some brilliant, intersecting vocal harmonies, presenting a heightened mix of intrigue and splendor to the tracks - uncontrolled genre defiance is a key to its success, as Vintersorg infuses some of the most vibrant jazz-inspired passages since Opeth's Still Life into the music. The dissonant vocals on Scarytale lend themselves towards jazz fusion and evokes the memories of 60's and 70's prog such as Yes, Genesis or Pink Floyd. However, with that being said, the long instrumental passages can sometimes be tiring, but are rarely dull. It's an inspired album, however light on crunchy, heart-pounding metal that some might find uninteresting. Another annoyance is his over-dependence on simulated percussion in lieu of actual drums - the flow and sound combined can quickly become lifeless and static. Vintersorg's reputation for penning quality music goes unrefuted yet again - a great album that doesn't follow the rules but inexplicably comes out on top.
Standout Tracks: Scarytale, The Astral Factor, Painting Without Colors
Rating: 8.5 / 10 www.harm.us.com
Waterclime: The Astral Factor
Finland's Lion Music is continuing to surprise us lately with their varied offerings, as they are slowly starting to release more and more classic prog and fusion styled albums instead of the normal instrumental guitar recordings that they have been noted for. Waterclime's The Astral Factor is actually a project from Mr. V of the eclectic avant-garde metal band Vintersorg, and he has recorded a lush and symphonic 70's sounding album here with a couple of guest musicians , namely fellow Vintersorg guitarist Matthias Marklund as well as Black Bonzo member Magnus Lindgren. Otherwise Mr. V handles all the instrumentation, from the drums to the guitars, flutes, strings, bells, vocals, bass, and keyboards, of which are featured organ, synths, and Mellotrons.
It's a pretty symphonic and melodic ride from start to finish, with waves of keyboards, lush layers of lead and backing vocals, and electric and acoustic guitars. One of the most appealing songs is the lengthy "Painting Without Colours", a soaring number that brings to mind classic Yes or The Flower Kings at the most symphonic. If you like things a little more rocking, there is the Hammond organ and Mellotron drenched hard rock of "Midnight Flyer", which instantly reminded me of vintage Uriah Heep, The Vanilla Fudge, or Nektar with its charging keyboard attack and muscular guitar riffs. The final cut "Timewind" also throws in some meaty metal riffing alongside splendid Mellotron, Moog, and Hammond layers, for a wild aural assault. Overall this is pretty enjoyable and proggy stuff, that will surprise a lot of people. From the vocal harmonies to the rich instrumentation, it's one of the early prog rock gems of 2006. Check it out!
Track Listing
1. Mountains
2. Floating
3. The Astral Factor
4. Diamond Moon
5. Painting Without Colours
6. Midnight Flyer
7. Scarytale
8. Timewind
Added: January 11th 2006
Reviewer: Pete Pardo www.seaoftranquility.org
Related Link: Lion Music
Waterclime – The Astral Factor
2006 Lion Music
Mr. V from Vintersorg really perpetrates more intelligently minded music than one might expect from a solo type project on ‘The Astral Factor.’ Dubbed Waterclime, the music has organic textures that sounds something more band effort oriented than something that relates to personal musical endeavor. And although Mr. V sings and plays all the instruments (with the exception of guests Matthias Marklund and Magnus Lindgren on a few tracks), there is a full-bodied sound to the record.
‘The Astral Factor’ incorporates the melodic style of some of Yes’ most provocative material (think ‘Tales from Topographic Oceans’ for example), the soundscape approach of Camel and early Genesis, traditional elements of English and Nordic folk tunes, and the modern progressive rock approach together for a record that is in a class of it’s own. Quite heavy in the atmospheric element, (but yet it’s not metal although, although there is a heavy crunch at times) the improvisations are built around the melodies rather than just going into free form, where Mr. V puts his compositional arrangements to a high degree on this album.
Whether refreing to the jazzy melodies of ‘Scarytale,’ the minstrel folk rock of ‘Floating,’ the psychadelic space rock of ‘floating,’ and the Crinson-esque art rock toyings of both ‘Mountains’ and 'Diamond Moon,’ Mr. V does not let the production get in the way nor let anything get buried underneath the Mellotrons, Organs, guitar riffs, and the occasional strange time signature. Waterclime is proof that art-rock does not need to go ways into the ‘spaced out’ field of things; this record has soul, and it conveys it very well.
Added: January 19th 2006
Reviewer: Tommy Hash
Score:    www.ytsejam.com