Argentinan guitarist Abel Garcia releases his first album!
Please describie the your album musically:
I think the album have a lot of emotions, from my first song Blue Sundays, from 2005 to my last one, Adios, from 2015 sessions, i try to play with my heart.
so, the album is very relax cd, ambient songs, and classical ones, thank you my friend cyril, from france i play some classical pieces.
also, clean tone, i think clean tone help me to express myself more than with distortion tone, so, people will listen very clean tones, with slow ballds type of songs .
if you had to choose one artist (I know this is hard) but if we had to say "recommended for fans of XXXX" who would that be?
Maybe a mix, Eric Johnson clean guitar tones with slow songs, in the influences of pink floyd, besides, classical pieces, but no fast licks, slow playing and very very clean!
What was the goal with making this album?
my main goal is people fell my heart in my playing, if i can do that, thats all!!!

Any specific influences towards music?
I think Eric Johnson influence me in some way, in clean tone, i play jackson guitar, he play felnder strat, but clean tone too. Also, there is some Pink Floyd influences and slow songs, like Adios songs, Also, classical influences, Here i dont play Handel pieces, but he influence
me a lot in the last years, so, maybe there is some influence of him too.
how long did it take to make this album:
It take a long time! Blue Sundays if from 2005 year! Ausencia from 2008! so it take a long time to make this cd!
what has the different musicians contributed to the result?
I think they influence the songs too, in Blue Sundays song, the producer is my friend Dario Zorzi, he record keys and make arreglements, too, so.. i think he influence the song too!!! In Adios songs, the producer Jorge Guardatti play bass and make arreglements i think he infleunce the song too!
Also, Cyril, piano and harpsichord player, influence the classical pieces too! he put his touch in that ones! Also, Marcelo Saiz in Ausencia song, he play some strong keyboards, he influence that one too.
musicians on the release:
Dario Zorzi (Argentina): Keys, producer, drum backing track, arrelements on Blue Sundays.
Jorge Guardatti (Argentina): Bass, arreglements, backing track in Overture and Adios Songs.
Marcelo Saiz (Argentina): Keys producer , arreglements in Ausencia.
Cyril (France): keys, piano, harpsichord in classical pieces.
production and recording credits:
Dario Zorzi (Argentina): Keys, producer, drum backing track, arrelements on Blue Sundays.
Jorge Guardatti (Argentina): Bass, arreglements, backing track in Overture and Adios Songs.
Marcelo Saiz (Argentina): Keys producer , arreglements in Ausencia.
Cyril (France): keys, piano, harpsichord in classical pieces.
Aldo Tellez (Mexico): producer in Adios 2.

1. Overture
2. Minuet in G major (Christian Petzold)
3. Apertura
4. Sonata no 59 XVI-49 Lestats Sonate II Adagio E Canrabile (Haydn)
5. Adios 1
6. Blue Sundays
7. Air in B Flat Major HWV471 (Haydn)
8. Blue Licks
9. Adios II
10. Ecossaise in G Major (Beethoven)
