was founded in 2013 by Dimitriy Pavlovskiy (aka Dimi Rich). After first
EP "Long Way to Shore" the band received offers from several labels to
release a full-length album. Debut instrumental album "Polarity"
released in 2014. Stylistically "Polarity" was more in post-rock/sludge
genre. Tree years later project released second album 'Supremacy',
which musically continued the previous album, but the band added some
progressive/symphonic elements to make a richer sound. Also, the new
record included vocals by Dimi Rich. Album gained a lot of positive
feed-backs all around the world.
In October 2017 the band entered the studio with a new line-up for
producing next album 'Inspire'. After one year of recording album
completed and ready to be published.
Nowadays, with unique repertoire and kick-ass live performance, we are ready to show to You what the real music is!
Korzo begins its way to Your hearts.
How would you describe the new album musically/lyrically?
Jacob Moses:
I will describe the album as a great calm to trouble waters
wherefore, people face challenges everyday so, it's like an antidote.
Also, lyrically; I will like to describe it as nourishment to the soul.
What was the goal of making this album?
Jacob Moses:
The goal is to motivate and inspire people to go beyond their horizon.
Nobody should settle with what lies within his (her) reach. There are
more things yet to be unraveled; beautiful dreams yet to he achieved
and many more fertile grounds yet to be cultivated.
Myroslav Danko:
At the beginning of making our album "Inspire" there were only two of
us, no band and no exact goal we wanted to reach. But in a process, we
met a lot of people who wanted to participate. It was no good until we
met Jake and David. Their hardworking nature and loyalty to the idea
were so astonishing and inspiring, that there was no other option for
us except to work together. And, just like that, our goal has been
formed. We realized that we want to inspire people to grow, to believe
in themselves, to fight for their ideas, to improve their skills, to
become better with every single day. And when that kind of a human
meets the same one - there will be no boundaries for them.
Any specific influences towards music or lyric subject?
Jacob Moses:
All songs were inspired by the wealth of experience I gained whilst
growing up as a child. It dawned on me that this songs will be
preserved for posterity because, hopefully people will learn and
treasure them.
Dimi Rich:
Most of this album was made on jams. We have some riffs/ideas and we
tried to build a song on what the musical thought needed. Therefore, we
didn't have an affection to concrete style, as a result we did a
versatile album, which sounds quite different from previous Korzo
David Ulrich:
During the whole period of my music activity there were an plenty of
factors that influenced me as a musician, including composing this
album. Among them, one can single out both personal facts and musical
ones. I try to be a driving rhythmic force and at the same time
underline the melody during making and performing all the songs. That's
why I assign a special role to the "Black Album" by Metallica, and its
influence on my musical approach. In particular, in finding for the
perfect rhythm and its specific performance.

How have band member changes affected the bands sound and dynamics i.e. what have the new members brought to the band?
Jacob Moses:
As a band; we worked together to make every song what it should be.
Observations from every member of the band brightened 'dark corners' -
one person can't see everything else, it will take a longer time. Every
observation was adopted and looked upon before it was used; no single
one was discarded for any unthougtful reason.
We made it to this point because, we have same vision.
Dimi Rich:
On previous records I was only the one member who cared about writing
music. But this album is a collective work. Each participant has made a
huge contribution to the sound of the album and the band. As Jacob
stated - one person can't see everything, and when it comes to
producing a song it's very important to have a few side of views.
Myroslav is a groovy guy, he like to add some moving to the songs.
David a huge fan of make a simple, but effective drum parts, his
drumming reminds me a big locomotive that creating a beat by turning
its wheels. Jacob complete sound of a band by great catchy melodies and
meaningful lyrics. Also, this guy formulated the main idea that we
wanted to convey - Inspire everyone!
David Ulrich:
Lineup changes formed a new approach to the making music and sound of a band.

Please provide the history of the album i.e. when writing began, recording etc.
Dimi Rich:
The story begins somewhere in 2017 when I and Myroslav decided to do
something together. Writing process started in October 2017 only by me
and Myroslav. When we come up with some ideas we asked our friend
David, to record drums for "In the End". We know each other by playing
in some local bands and personally I wanted to record something with
him. A week after David called me back and we talked by phone for an
hour or something just discussing that song. He was really satisfied
with the result and offered to make a real band out of this studio
project. So, in December 2017 trio was formed, we started to do a lot
of jams inside the studio. All that we needed is a good singer because
I decided to concentrate on the instruments than vox. So, we started to
look for a singer. One day I met Jacob when he asked me to produce some
stuff for him. I invite him to the band rehearsal and we jammed for an
hour after which he became a permanent member. A few days later we
discovered that he also can play in piano, so there was a good solution
to bring all keyboards on album to the performances.
In June 2018 we started tracking vocals. While recording Jacob was very
concentrated on lyrics, he wanted to send a strong message through it
and constantly saying "Inspire, I wanna write something that Inspires
people." One day I was kinda tired of it and just told him "hey, just
name the album Inspire". And he was kinda "yeah, that great idea,
that's it!" Since everybody was happy with it we name it "Inspire".
Album was finished in October 2018.
Jacob Moses:
It all started on the 18th of June 2018 with a melody which ended up as one of our songs titled 'stay alive'.
The recording started in two days after I finished composing the song
(stay alive) and so, I composed and recorded the second, till the last
song (Aimless) which was recorded on the 30th of September 2018.
The composition periods were not tough for me because, I delight in it.
On the other hand was the recording sections - which were so demanding.
I must not forget to thank God for bringing everything to an end with such a great success.

Track Listing:
02.Stay Alive
03.In the End
Musicians on release:
Jacob Erock Moses - vocals
Dimi Rich - Guitars/Bass/Backing Vocals/Additional Keyboards
Myroslav Danko - Guitars/Bass/Additional Keyboards
David Ulrich - Drums/Percussion
Choir on "In the End" by:
Dimi Rich
Myroslav Danko
Jacob Moses
Toni Finchman
Keyboards at "Greatest" by Vasil Iržak
Production credits:
All music composed, arranged and produced by Korzo
All Lyrics by Jacob Erock Moses
Recorded, mixed and mastered at Beast Sound Studios
between October 2017 - October 2018
Engineered by Dimitriy Pavlovskiy
Cover Art by Tommy Fanta
All photos by Oleksandra Slyvkanych
Official website and social network site link/s:
