Ruben Sacco - vocals
Joe Stump- all guitars
Maestro Mistheria -keyboards
Nicola Angileri- bass
Mark Cross - drums

JOE STUMP discusses his new band and their first album:
How would you describe the new album musically/lyrically:
The music walks the line between old school hard rock and classic
European power metal with healthy doses of each heard throughout.
As with everything I do it`s a product of the combination of all my
influences in this case the main and most obvious one being
Ritchie Blackmore and his work with Rainbow and Deep Purple. Anybody
familiar with my stuff know`s both Blackmore and Yngwie Malmsteen are
my 2 biggest influences and you can of course Yngwie `s influence in
there as well, as there`s some tracks on the record reminiscent
of the early Rising Force stuff. I`m also a huge fan of the early
Michael Schenker group stuff as well as the first batch of Scorpions
records with Uli Jon Roth so that can heard in there as well. I also
love Rata Blanca from Argentina and Walter Giardino`s songwriting and
guitar work ,we come from the same school of playing and share alot of
the same influences.
What was the goal with making this album?
After my last solo /all instrumental record I wanted to make a
more band/song oriented record with vocals , don`t get me wrong it`s
still very guitar driven . But overall a nice mix of killer guitar work
showcased inside melodic classic hard rock and metal tunes. Also
with this record I was leaning more so in the classic hard rock
direction and less in the metal vein.
Any specific influences towards music or lyric subject?
Myself and vocalist Csaba Zvekan work and write well together and we`re
both massive fans of the classic Dio era Rainbow period. So kind of our
modern take on that and the type of partnership that both Dio and
Blackmore had in relation to their approach to composing together.
it's not o too deep conceptually going just channelling my
influences and combining my guitar work inside very musical and
listenable classic hard rock and metal tunes . I wanted it to appeal to
my core fanbase who of course buy my records to hear me play guitar but
also to fans of classic hard rock and European power metal as well.
How does this differ from previous releases?
Well my last several records were solo all instrumental releases
so as I mentioned previously I felt it was time to do a more band
oriented type of thing and I wanted to do something brand new not
just a rehash of my previous band Joe Stump`s Reign Of Terror.
How have band member changes affected the bands sound and dynamics i.e. what have the new members brought to the band?
All excellent players and they all did a killer job on the record .
Their approach to the music and execution of their parts on the tracks
was spot on . Drummer Mark Cross is a powerhouse and really drives the
band , Maestro Mistheria added a great old school touch with his
playing and keyboard orchestrations and textures that really enhances
the tracks. Nicola Angileri is a monster bass played and he does some
very cool unison lines with me throughout the record he also has
a nice sense of time and provides a strong foundation . Csaba Zvekan
really brought to tunes up to another level both melodically and
lyrically . His voice is extremely powerful and suits the music
perfectly .

Official website and social network site:
www.instagram.com/towerofbabelrock www.joestump.com
It's Only Rock'n'Roll
Lake of Fire
Midnight Sun
Eternal Flames
Once Again
Eyes of the World
Lamb and the Wolves
All Out Warfare
