All Music composed and arranged by
Vitalij Kuprij
Produced by Vitalij
Co-produced by Jon
VK’s photography by
Charles Sullivan Jr.
Mixed & Mastered
by Kent Heckman@RedRock Recording studio PA, USA
Preproduction and
sonic development by Marty Mellinger @School House Productions PA,USA
All Piano and Keyboard
recorded @School house productions, engineered by Marty Mellinger
piano&keyboard recordings@DomaniaStudios and @RedRock Recording
Promotional video and
logo development/editing and general media supervisory by Jeff “Benny”
Hillartwork artwork by Lars Eric Mattsson
Vitalij Kuprij uses Korg synthesizers and Yamaha acoustic pianos,
VK endorsers Korg products (Japan)a
Dave Naccarelli -Bass
Jon Doman - Drums
Tommy Vitaly - Guitar (Internal Force)
Michael Harris - Guitar (Dansanity)
Roger Staffelbach - Guitar (Revolution/Evolution)
Bill Hudson - Guitar (Sinfonietta)
Angus Clark - Guitar (Whispers from Beyond)
Christian Münzner - Guitar (Progression)Leonardo Porcheddu - Guitar
Javier Leal - Guitar (Power of GOD)
Christian Münzner- guitar (Progression-(Reprise)Steve Doman -
Guitar (Facing the End)
Executive Producer Vitalij Kuprij
and recording credits:
All Music composed and arranged by
Vitalij Kuprij
Produced by Vitalij Kuprij
Co-produced by Jon Doman
VK’s photography by Charles Sullivan Jr.
Mixed & Mastered by Kent Heckman@RedRock Recording studio PA, USA
Preproduction and sonic development by Marty Mellinger @School House
Productions PA,USA
All Piano and Keyboard recorded @School house productions, engineered
by Marty Mellinger
Additional piano&keyboard recordings@DomaniaStudios and @RedRock
Recording studio
Promotional video and logo development/editing and general media
supervisory by Jeff “Benny” Hill
Art work and logo design by Lars Eric Mattsson
Vitalij Kuprij uses Korg synthesizers and Yamaha acoustic pianos,
VK endorsers Korg products (Japan)
Executive Producer Vitalij Kuprij
01.Internal Force- V.Kuprij
02.Dansanity- V.Kuprij
03. Revolution/Evolution- V.Kuprij
04. Sinfonietta - V.Kuprij
05. Whispers from Beyond- V.Kuprij
06. Progression- V.Kuprij
07. Remembrance- V.Kuprij
08. Power of GOD- V. Kuprij/J.S. Bach
09. Progression (Reprise)-V.Kuprij
10. Facing the End- V.Kuprij
